IPL (Intense Pulse Light)

A groundbreaking FDA-approved treatment for MGD that targets the inflammation that drives dry eye symptoms. During this procedure, gentle pulses of light are delivered to the skin adjacent to the eyes to reduce inflammation and eliminate any bacterial infection.

How Does IPL Help Dry Eye Symptoms?

  • Reduces inflammatory mediators
  • Improves tear break-up time
  • Destroys abnormal blood vessels that perpetuate inflammation
  • Improve meibomian gland morphology and functionality
  • Decrease the population of Demodex mites, which stimulates infection and boosts the bacterial load on eyelids. In addition, IPL has been shown to decrease puffiness and swelling around the eyes, improve skin tone and texture as well as provide whiter and brighter eyes.

​​What To Expect:

We perform a series of 4 IPL sessions with each session about 3 weeks apart. Although most patients notice symptom improvement after the first 1 or 2 sessions, each session builds upon the previous. Prior to the treatment, eye shields will be placed over the eyelids, and a cool coupling gel is applied to the skin. A small handheld device will administer the pulses of light to the region around the eyelids. The pulses of light heat the skin around the eye and dislodge the oil buildup. Each treatment lasts about 20 minutes.

After The Treatment:

A calming cream is applied to the sling after treatment, but the treated area may be a little red or feel “tight” for a few hours. Regular activities can be performed, and makeup can be reapplied. It is advised to stay out of direct sunlight for 2-3 days after treatment. Sunscreen is also recommended for all treated areas daily.

What Makes IPL Different From Other Dry Eye Treatments?

Many of the treatments for dry eye syndrome, such as eye drops, artificial tears, warm compresses, and eyelid scrubs, are meant to temporarily relieve symptoms instead of treating the root cause of the condition. IPL is unique in that it targets the source of inflammation and enables the meibomian glands to secrete oils naturally and resume their function of stabilizing the tear film. This not only relieves symptoms but also slows the progression of chronic dry eye.